We are a small nonprofit called FOV Inc. Friends of Victims. Our goal has always been to help those who are in trouble, who are without a voice. Many who want to fight climate change are without a voice. They need help to find a way to speak out. A simple way to do that is the have a single purpose, such as distributing a newsletter or flyer. There is where Earth Sygns comes in.

The Volunteer Distribution Model

Many organizations have used this tried and true model. A small group gathers together with a common purpose and goal. Amway, Girl Scouts, Olympics, Tennis, Religion, to many to count. The most widely distributed publication is not sold by a publisher, is free to anyone, and is seen by over a billion people. It is Guideposts, distributed by volunteers in businesses and organizations in 70 countries. The most widely distributed book, read by over a billion people, is also disturbed by volunteers in many countries is the Bible, another publication distributed by volunteers.

Earth Sygns Model

We developed the Earth Sygns model. It is simply a downloadable Newsletter that can be distributed to local businesses and organizations at any time the business is open. There is a printable version and a digital version. Anyone can read the printable version, then sign up for the digital updates for their area. This is a non-confrontational way to join the fight.


Community publishers will print out copies of Earth Sygns, then ask their friends, one or two, to help them go out and distribute Earth Sygns. This will get the word out on the ground. The group can meet, or members can just pick up copies, to distribute when they have time.

At first Earth Sygns will be a generic one page flyer, with simple definitions and problems, and how to address them, one climate denier, and one climate friend, on the back. And that flyer can be placed in your local businesses. There will be place on each flyer where community publishes can add to the flyer for a local area event, membership, and ways to help in general.

Call To Action

The flyer will be a way to connect with all people, not just those who agree or are advocates of fighting climate change, but those who are hesitant, don’t have time to get involved, or need a non-confrontational avenue to help the fight.